Cosmetic Dermatology

Laser Services

SmartSkin CO2 Laser

A skin renewal system that treats deep wrinkles, significant photo damage, keratoses, solar lentigines, poor skin texture, and a variety of challenging skin conditions. This unique microablative technology can deliver two treatments in one – skin resurfacing and collagen rejuvenation, and can be customized to meet your aesthetic and downtime expectations.


A non-invasive pulsed dye laser used to eliminate the appearance of vascular birthmarks, facial spider veins, rosacea and other vascular lesions on the skin.

Pricing varies—consultation required.

Lutronic SPECTRA

Laser Tattoo Removal

The SPECTRA Laser uses energy to significantly lighten or completely remove your tattoo. Ink particles are targeted by the laser energy and broken into small fragments that your body can absorb. Tattoo ink is heavily deposited deep into your skin, and as a result in order to completely remove the tattoo, multiple treatments are required.

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Pricing varies—consultation required.

Laser Treatment of Lentigines

Lentigines (also referred to as sun spots or liver spots) are small, flat, round spots on the skin that begin to appear later in life in sun-exposed areas. The SPECTRA laser uses a wavelength of light that targets the increased pigment in the skin and selectively destroys the pigmentation.

Pricing varies—consultation required.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

A SPECTRA Skin Rejuvenation Treatment is a carbon assisted 2-step rejuvenation process that shows dramatic results with acne scars, fine lines, wrinkle reduction, and textural irregularities with no down time. The dermal cells associated with skin rejuvenation are stimulated resulting in controlled regeneration and collagen remodeling for wrinkle and scar reduction without significant downtime or side effects. A SPECTRA Skin Rejuvenation Treatment can renew and refresh your skin while you experience very little discomfort.

Pricing varies—consultation required.

Apogee Elite

A multi-purpose laser for the treatment of unwanted hair, leg and facial veins, pigmented lesions, sun-damaged skin, brown spots and more.

Pricing varies—consultation required.


In addition to laser hair removal, we also provide Electrolysis treatment. Electrolysis is the only FDA-approved method of “permanent” hair removal and can successfully eliminate any color of hair from any color and area of skin. Electrolysis and laser can be combined to give our clients the quickest and most effective hair removal possible.

Chris Ouellette, CPE, CMA is a board-certified Electrologist and a Certified Medical Assistant with more than 20 years experience.

Advanced Services

A natural, purified protein that relaxes the overactive muscles that may cause frown lines.

Cosmetic Fillers

We have a variety of cosmetic fillers for fines lines and wrinkles.

Pricing varies and a consultation is recommended.


The only FDA-approved non-invasive treatment for lifting the skin of the neck, chin and brow, Ultherapy uses focused ultrasound to stimulate collagen deep within the skin without downtime. We use tried-and-true ultrasound technology to strengthen your skin from the inside out, lifting and tightening your face and neck.

Pricing varies and a consultation is required.


A procedure that safely and effectively eliminates the appearance of spider veins located on the upper and lower legs, with minimal discomfort.

Full Facial Services


  • European
  • Test Facial
  • Deep Cleansing Facial
  • Extraction Facial
  • Acne Treatments

Chemical Peels

  • Glycolic Acid
  • Jessner’s Peel
  • Custom Blend


  • Basic
  • Specialty
  • Combination Peel & Microderm

Waxing Services

Lash and Brow Tinting

Professional Skincare Products

Our skin care products are customized to your specific homecare needs and are only available through physicians and skin care professionals.

  • jane iredale Mineral Makeup
  • SkinMedica
  • EltaMD Sun Care
  • SkinCeuticals
  • Dermatology Specialists of Spokane Private Label
  • Latisse
  • Renova
  • Blinc Mascara
  • Epionce
  • Tri-Luma
  • St Tropez
  • and more!